I wanted to write a post about juicing 101 because juicing is one of the first wellness world things I got really into when I started my health journey. I like to describe juicing kind of like taking a shot of tequila and feeling tipsy- but instead of alcohol, juicing is flooding your bloodstream as . . .
Vegan Siete Enchiladas
Hi guys! Today I wanted to share another recipe from my Green Girl At Home Ebook, which is made up of 12 easy plant based and gluten-free meals for beginners. Get ready for my Vegan Siete Enchiladas. This dish uses a lot of the products from the brand Siete. It is a relatively quick, hearty dish . . .
Vegan Holiday Recipes
I wanted to keep a quick hit list of my favorite vegan holiday recipes for Thanksgiving and Christmas. This is all the recipes my family and I have made (or picked up in store ha!) over the last couple of years. Here are some great ideas for sides and make ahead dishes you can bring to your work . . .
Vegan Kabocha Squash Chili
Hi hi hi! Super excited to start sharing more of my simple, whole food plant-based recipes with you all and today we are talking about the perfect winter chili recipe- it’s the Vegan Kabocha Squash Chili from my Green Girl At Home E-Book. This recipe was inspired by one of my all time favorite . . .
4 Plant-based Protein Pre/Post Workout Snacks
Hi gang. Special guest post on the blog this week! I asked my sis, Mariele, to share her tips & tricks when it comes to a plant-based diet fitting in with an active lifestyle. We are sharing 4 Plant-based Protein Pre/Post Workout Snacks. Mariele has always been the fitness queen in our . . .
Vegan, No Boil, & Gluten Free Lasagna
OH HAY. A couple of weeks ago I decided to spend a Saturday afternoon testing out this vegan lasagna recipe. I got the idea for it on the back of a brown rice pasta package I was perusing in my local Whole Foods and decided to improvise and make my own healthier, vegan version (often how most of my . . .
5 Minute Perfect Vegan Pesto
Welcome back guys. Today I’m sharing the perfect pesto recipe that has now become a weekly go-to in my kitchen. It’s amazing for introducing new flavors into a plant-based diet. That’s honestly how and why this way of eating is so delish to me. I rely a ton on healthy sauces, spices, dips, and . . .
20 Minute Vegan Pizza Recipe
Hi hi hiiii! Hopping on to share a recipe that has been on repeat in the Loose household lately- 20 MINUTE VEGAN PIZZA RECIPE. When I first went 100% plant-based vegan a few years ago, I had the hardest time finding pizza that I liked and that was also healthy. If you’re familiar with the way I eat . . .
Dairy-Free Almond Milk Cheese
Ahhh you guys- hi hi hi. OMG watching The Bachelor right now and Colton is making me CRINGE y’all. I won't go into it. Are you guys watching? Anyways, amidst commercial breaks, I’m here to share my Mom’s homemade dairy-free almond milk cheese I was craving with a glass of wine earlier after a long . . .
Whole Foods Market Vegan Grocery Haul
On this Oscar Sunday, I got up early and got my a$$ to the local Santa Monica Whole Foods for my weekly stock up trip. This is definitely an errand I tend to enjoy, and it’s a ritual for me to have the barista whip up a fresh “Paleo Green” smoothie so I can sip while I shop. It’s been a while since . . .