Hiiiiiii welcome back frandz. SO excited to pour my lil heart out to you all about my new obsession. It’s organic and plant based goodness called SAKARA (check it out here!), a meal delivery service rooted in the belief that food is medicine. I knew we would be instant BFFs when I discovered they . . .
How To Make Your Own Nut Milk
What up gang. I’m back in the city of Angels after a weekend home in Waco, Texas. One of the things my Mom always has prepared for us when we visit is her homemade nut milks (almond, cashew, and brazil nut too!) I’m not even a lil bit kidding when I tell you it is sooo scrumptious I want to copy cat . . .
Anti-inflammatory Acai Smoothie Bowl
Happy holidays! I hope you all are soaking up these magical few days in between Christmas and New Years when we can’t remember what day it is or what a normal schedule feels like! Lolz. But like, so true. Don’t worry, this fully plant-based and anti-inflammatory acai smoothie bowl will do just the . . .
How To Drink Wine Without A Hangover: Dry Farm Wines
Hello, folks and happy Sunday! This post has been a long time coming and I’m so excited to finally share my love for Dry Farm Wines with you. This a company that truly values health and celebration. My fave things! Yes, I’m spillin’ my secrets for how to drink wine without a hangover supes early on . . .
Better Than Starbucks Healthy Pumpkin Spice Latte
Ok guys, I’m about to throw a bit of tough love at you here. November newsflash! Your beloved and basic betch Pumpkin Spice Latte from the local Starbs is filled with artificial crap and calories. But, if you’re looking for a healthier option made with REAL, wholesome ingredients, you’ve come to the . . .
Homemade Sugar-Free Vegan Cacao Nice Cream
Hi friends! Threw this together in the Vitamix yesterday evening to satisfy a sweet tooth and I was V impressed at how my rando concoction turned out- EFFING. DELISH. So, sharing this healthy and fully plant-based ice cream aka "nice cream" recipe with you all! Vegan, sugar-free (except natural . . .
Mom’s Recipe for Organic Mason Jar Margaritas
Alrighty, alright, alright. Here we go. Back in action after my moving-cross-country hiatus. New job, new city, new me ya know? First post as a Southern California resident. And we're chatting margaritas folks. You may have noticed on social media that riiiight before we headed out of Dallas to . . .
My Favorite Books for Health, Wellness, and Wholesome Vegan Recipes
Hello, hello! Here you'll find a running list of my favorite reads! This list includes nontoxic lifestyle books I could not put down when it comes to wholesome, organic food, clean living, and overall wellness journeys. But, before I tell you what to download next in your i-Books, I wanted to share . . .
The “OG” Super Simple Quinoa Kale Salad Recipe
AHHH QUINOA + KALE. TWO OF MY FAVE THINGS. NOT JOKING HERE. LOZ. Spring will soon be sprung ladies & gents, and with the season brings another year reminding me how much I miss those college spring breaks. I'll definitely have my fair share of traveling this month though and will be sure to . . .
Plant-Based & Non-Toxic Living Grocery List Staples from Whole Foods Market
One of the most common questions I receive from friends and family surrounding the topic of plant-based diet has always been “What do you buy at the grocery each week?” Using the basis of these conversations as inspiration, I thought it would be helpful to share my top 12 weekly staple items for . . .