Hello, hello! Here you’ll find a running list of my favorite reads! This list includes nontoxic lifestyle books I could not put down when it comes to wholesome, organic food, clean living, and overall wellness journeys. But, before I tell you what to download next in your i-Books, I wanted to share why I was initially even interested in these to begin with!
The reason this blog encompasses all things nontoxic lifestyle is because I truly believe wellness is a 360 degree approach- mind, body, & soul. Eating clean, organic, whole foods that are closest to their natural state is how I first began my journey into a healthier, happier version of me. From there, I realized all the work I was doing by putting clean foods for fuel and energy into my body were being compromised by the chemically filled skincare, makeup, household cleaning products, linens, and even clothing and furniture that came in contact with my body on a daily basis.
I know what you’re thinking “Danielle are you fu*king crazy? I don’t give a rats a$$ about the fake hormones forced into our livestock (that we then consume), or the flame retardant chemicals in a mattress, or the deadly effects of inhaling bleach when I’m just trying to get a wine stain out of my white Topshop jeans” (been there). Trust me, I totally get it and know this stuff is super overwhelming. That’s why I want to help!
We are all going to die someday from something. But I, for one, am sick of living in a world where it’s pretty much a certainty and common understanding among our millennial generation that we are going to die of some sort of disease. As we age, our toxic world is basically setting us up to either get cancer, diabetes, have a heart attack, develop Alzheimer’s, the list goes on. (Ok, I made Negative Nancy hit the road after that sentence, I swear).
My point being, this blog, and this way of life, is not just to encourage you to serve your body by eating organic, wholesome, plant-based foods. My hope is that it will inspire you to take baby steps toward an overall less toxic lifestyle. Even when we gather up all the amazing chemical-free home supplies and clean, green beauty brands, our minds may even need to be examined next for detoxification. Decluttering negative thoughts (with meditation or yoga!) is by far the hardest part for me of living this less toxic lifestyle! But, thank goodness for these like-minded individuals below that put pen to paper for their health & wellness discoveries.
Alright, alright, alright (no unfortunately Matthew McConaughey is not in the house), here are some of my favorite reads. These echo the themes I’ve been preaching to the choir! And I’ll be sure to keep this “Dani’s Book Club” list going as I come across more great finds. Note, you’ll see I’ve included some books on this list that are not fully plant based vegan and do use recipes with organic animal products. These have been thoroughly read and thoughtfully chosen by yours truly. All books below are included because I found that they offer a ton of education for a cleaner lifestyle and a more holistic approach to health. AKA, beneficial for us all!
Favorite Nontoxic Lifestyle Books
Fully Plant based/Vegan
- The Kind Diet and The Kind Mama by Alicia Silverstone – This will totally make you see a hamburger in a different light!
- The Engine 2 Diet by Rip Esselstyn – Recipes from a Austin, Texas firefighter going plant-based. He now successfully has an Engine 2 food line available in Whole Foods as well!
- Oh She Glows Everyday by Angela Liddon – You seriously won’t even notice this is a vegan cookbook. Seriously, I love everything about Angela’s recipes. She doesn’t do a whole lot of imitation meats or unhealthy vegan food. Plus, her phone app is awesome for quick holiday recipe ideas or a fun Saturday night dinner at home!
- The First Mess by Laura Wright – This amazing plant based food blogger’s book is my go-to for hearty, rich winter dinners.
- One Part Plant by Jessica Murnane – This is such a relatable book about Jessica’s journey to choose a plant based diet for her own personal health reasons. I love how honest she is about the transition and her experience exploring vegan cooking. It’s even earned the praise of celebrities like Lena Dunham!
- Elsa’s Wholesome Life as well as The Global Vegan by Ellie Bullen – the same girl behind the popular vegan food blog Elsa’s Wholesome Life. She is Australian based and an RD. This book in particular highlights recipes inspired by her travels around the world. The photography makes for a great coffee table book too.
- Love Is Served by Cafe Gratitude – this was my all time favorite restaurant in LA. They also own a Mexican food version of the restaurant called Gracias Madre which is just as bomb. All Cafe Gratitude cookbooks are great and focus on Whole Foods, low sugar, and do have a ton of gluten free options.
- The Sakara Life Cookbook – you guys know I LOVE Sakara. Checkout my reviews on their 100% organic, plantbased meal delivery programs HERE. This cookbook allows you to eat this way at home and embodies their “eat clean, play dirty” mindset. PS code XODANIELLE gets you 20% off.
- The Vegan Starter Kit as well as Foods That Cause You To Lose Weight by Dr. Neal Barnard – Dr. Neal Barnard is a President of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine and an advocate for vegan dirt for health and longevity. He also wrote the forward in The Kind Diet. Be sure to check out his work here.
- Green Girl At Home – my very own e-book! 3+ days of plantbased comfort food recipes for beginners. Learn more and grab a copy HERE.
Non-Plant based but Plant Centric Reads
- Body Love by Kelly Leveque – Recipes and nutrition education. You’ll never go on a “diet” again after this one as Kelly explains the main secret to maintaining. Her Fab 4 Smoothie recipes literally made such an impact in my daily breakfast routine!
- The Honest Life by Jessica Alba – Lifestyle and recipes. This is a great starter read for a more natural, less toxic lifestyle! Highly recommend for anyone looking to dip their toes into the organic pool.
- Balancing in Heels and True Roots by Kristin Cavallari – Lifestyle and recipes. Ian get down with Kristin’s wholesome approach to food. Plus, I’ll be an MTV Laguna Beach & The Hills mega fan till the day I die. Side note- I met her in an NYC airport once standing in the security line. It was fu*king epic.
- The Healthy Life by Jessica Sepel – Body Image, Mindful Eating, Recipes. This Aussie based nutritionist has great tips for letting go of any food relationship stuff.
- Ketotarian by Dr. Will Cole – *Mostly Vegan. Plantbased Keto recipes. If you’re going to do keto, this is how you do it. None of that idiotic bacon and butter crap. Dr. Will Cole is one of my favorite functional medicine doctors. I absolutely love his approach to a healthy keto diet made up mostly of plant based sources.
- The Cancer Revolution by Leigh Erin Connealy – Cancer prevention and disease education. This is so eye opening and empowering. Obvi, it hits close to home for me. Note, the author is my Mom’s doctor for Ovarian Cancer and operates the Cancer Center for Healing located in Orange County, CA.
XOXO – Dani
This is interesting post …
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Keep up good work! Excited for future updates!