Hello, hello! Have I got a post for ya. Let me be your green beauty guru here. But first, let me set the stage. It’s 9pm, I’m 1.5 glasses of organic red wine deep, and I’m ready to run through my all star, non toxic makeup brands that help me put my face on err day. It’s special edition Dani On The Loose: Daily Non Toxic Makeup Routine. I hope this is helpful too if you’re considering making the switch to non toxic personal care and beauty products. Just as we’re all cleaning up our diet right now with January resets and detoxes, lets use that as inspo for detoxing other areas of our life as well (maybe it’s household clutter, unhealthy relationships, or in this case maybe it’s our makeup drawer!)
Non Toxic Makeup Routine Under 5 Minutes
So, I feel like every gal is different when it comes to makeup, how much you apply, and how often you wear it. For me, it’s a love/hate relationship. I’m a girly girl at heart- I love makeup and feel SO lucky to have it for days when I just ain’t lookin’ my best (#Gratitude for covering up my on/off again acne and #blessed to be able to use mascara to open up my tiny raisin eyes.)
BUT I HATE feeling like I need to wear it everyday when in public. I feel naked without it which sadly probably stems from my youth. I can still remember how my best friends and I couldn’t wait for the day we entered 7th grade and were finally allowed to wear makeup to our small and very strict Catholic school (hello Maybelline “clear” mascara, black eyeliner, and Lip Smackers Dr. Pepper flavored chapstick. HAWT sh*t). To this day I really only go make up free when on the weekend if i have no big plans.
If I’m being honest, one of my 2019 goals is to feel confident and comfortable not wearing makeup to work. Hopefully I don’t scare my co-workers to death when that day does come. JK but kinda not? Anywho, that being said, I really don’t wear a ton of the stuff. I feel like I keep it pretty simple. Hell, I mean, I’m still always trying to teach myself how to contour. Where’s a clean ingredient Kim K palette when I need it? (mentally adding this to my entrepreneurial idea list…)
Here’s a step by step breakdown of the green beauty items I use daily for a 5 minute non toxic makeup routine:
I have linked to all their sites as well in case ya wanna take a peep, or, you can find most of them on my Amazon shop here. This routine usually only takes me about 5 minutes unless I need to get really technical with application on bad skin days. Note too, this is all applied after my skin has been washed and prepped with moisturizer.
Crunchi Foundation in Natural 2.5
- I also apply with the Crunchi foundation brush. I thought this was BS at first but it really does make a difference. There’s a special 3 dot method I use and I put it all over my face, even on my eyelids.
Hynt Beauty Powder in 1.5 Sand
100% Pure Cocoa Glow Bronzer
- Made of tomato, cacao, coffee, peach and other delish fruit pigments.
100% Pure Bamboo Blur Powder
- Again, use the M.O.T.D brushes here!
Fitglow Mascara
100% Pure Brow Long Last Brows in Soft Brown
Kari Gran in Jolene, Fitglow in Nudie, Au Naturale in On Pointe
- I finish with a quick lip of whatever I have in my bag but carefully selected based on the day’s events. I know, sounds OCD but there’s a method here to my madness. First up, my go to is Kari Gran in Jolene if I don’t have a lot of in person meetings/face to face contact that day. I love this product espeshhh for mornings because it has peppermint oil (YUM), is super light, and has only the slightest natural pink color in it- even though, forewarning, it looks hot pink in the tube before applied, but don’t worry. Then, a step up for MORE color is Fitglow Gloss in Nudie and then for EVEN MORE matte color is Au Naturale in On Pointe. My lipgloss be poppin’, my lipgloss be coo.
And there you have it! As a last tidbit, sometimes if I’m feelin real into it I’ll pull out my 100% Pure Pretty Naked 2 palette and add a little blush or eyeshadow. But like, let’s be honest. Most days I’m rushing out the door with a green smoothie in one hand and a cold brew in the other, leaving barely enough time for foundation. Oh well, it’s called BALANCE.
SO. Was this helpful? Tell me below if you guys check any of these brands out.
Until next time!
XOXO – Dani
Nice article! I love to use natural products and these all brand sounds amazing. I will definitely try these cosmetics. Thanks for sharing.
So glad you came across the article! Please do let me know how you like any of the products!! 🙂 <3
So glad you came across this post Lisa!! 🙂 Let me know how you like the products!