Have you ever thought about how the chemicals in your house or apartment are affecting your health? I hate to break it ya girls but there is A TON of scientific evidence and research that shows everything from your bedding to the bleach you use to clean your bathroom, is strongly affecting your . . .
20 Ways To Start Using Essential Oils
One of my main healthy lifestyle ESSENTIALS (yes, we’re getting punny over here at Dani On The Loose) are essential oils. I know, I know- you may be thinking, "what witch craft potions is she about to push our way?" But, hear me out. The way I understand them, in their simplest form, is the pure . . .
What Is A Detox Bath?
In this post I wanted to share with you guys my absolute favorite way to unwind and destress- a detox bath. Stress management was a crucial part of my own self healing. Given my first hand experience with this simple yet powerful self care ritual, I love recommending clients add a detox bath to . . .
Your Non-toxic & Natural Medicine Cabinet Essentials
I get a lot of questions from clients and on Instagram about my medicine cabinet and if I use traditional over the counter “go-to’s” like Tylenol. Honestly, I try my best to avoid them at all costs. Especially coming out of flu season and hopefully, this pandemic, I wanted to do a post for you guys . . .
Are Candles Toxic?
Let’s talk about clean candles 101. I have to admit, I actually got the idea to do this post when I was researching which candles to buy for myself this past pandemic year! After being at home all day everyday, it became even more clear to me that making sure our homes are clean and chemical free, . . .
Why You Need The Air Doctor Air Purifier
Hello! I wanted to hop on the blog and let you all know about my latest purchase to keep our home clean with the Air Doctor indoor air purifier. After much research over the last year and a half of living in California, and experiencing multiple wildfires, we finally bit the bullet and . . .
Why You Need the Berkey Water Filter
Hello, hello! I wanted to hop on and share a somewhat recent amaze ballz purchase for water purification. That’s right y’all- let’s talk water filters for clean AF H20. Now, I will go ahead and preface this post to let you know this filter is somewhat of an investment but I assure you it is 100% . . .
My Favorite Books for Health, Wellness, and Wholesome Vegan Recipes
Hello, hello! Here you'll find a running list of my favorite reads! This list includes nontoxic lifestyle books I could not put down when it comes to wholesome, organic food, clean living, and overall wellness journeys. But, before I tell you what to download next in your i-Books, I wanted to share . . .
Plant-Based & Non-Toxic Living Grocery List Staples from Whole Foods Market
One of the most common questions I receive from friends and family surrounding the topic of plant-based diet has always been “What do you buy at the grocery each week?” Using the basis of these conversations as inspiration, I thought it would be helpful to share my top 12 weekly staple items for . . .