Hello, world! Welcome to DaniOnTheLoose.com.
Apologies in advance for this lengthy intro- I guess I have a lot to say thanks to a little thing called cancer, the spark that lit this fire within me.
I’ve started this blog as a digital diary to document everything I’m passionate about. Gimme all that holistic goodness. Currently, that includes all things HOLISTIC HEALTH AND WELLNESS: organic plant-based diet, green beauty and personal care, nontoxic home, and even eco-friendly fashion. And hey, if every other millennial can have a blog, why can’t I? I’ll admit – I’m probably adding fuel to the fire of the seemingly over saturated blogger marketplace, but I’m also so excited to become a part of it (and major props to all the bloggers out there- I had no idea how much work it is to get this baby up and running!)
My ultimate focus for wanting a place to connect and develop this platform actually stems from myself (and many others) pestering my Mom for years now to share her own story of learning and transitioning to a healthier, chemical-free lifestyle! But before I dive into that, a little about me… (fingers crossed I don’t bore you to tears…if anyone is reading this besides my mom and sister…)
So, here’s a little sliver of my story!
It all began with the C word… cancer, that is.
I’ve had a career in marketing sales and Brand Partnerships for close to a decade- I’ve collaborated with companies all over the country to discuss which advertising vehicles best suite their objectives. While the corporate gig is great, what I truly enjoy spending time doing is educating myself about healthy alternatives to conventional products – from food, to makeup, to household cleaning, clothing, and everything in between. Trust me, I could’ve cared less about what I was consuming or slathering on my face a few years ago, but the way I viewed these choices on diet and product use drastically changed when my Mom decided to treat stage 4 Ovarian Cancer 100% holistically. This decision came after a tough 2 year fight with the conventional recommendations of major surgery and weekly, 8 hour chemotherapy treatments – the attempts overall being unsuccessful, discouraging, and exhausting (emotionally and physically).
Fast forward today, and my Mom still has “cancer” tumors. However, I have learned how she can live day to day, look, and feel fabulous with this disease present. The magic remedy? In a nutshell (preferably an organic and almond one..see what I did there), it’s managing diet and nutrition choices- of course though, with countless other detoxes, supplements, and health world research quickly added to the mix. The silver lining in this life event, is that I have become highly aware of how toxic and polluted our world is, contributing to the rise of disease in our society. But, by making simple changes, I firmly believe everyone can experience a more full, rich, and satisfying life on Mother Earth!
When I Started Dipping my Toe Into the Diets and Detoxes Pool
Ok enough about her, back to me! When my Mom decided she was going to experiment with treating cancer naturally, I was living in Manhattan, New York at the time and just beginning my career. Shoutout to my kick a$$ group of friends up there because this Texas gal would’ve never been able to survive that first East Coast winter hazing without them. Luckily, NYC (being the most amazing city in the US in my personal opinion) allowed me access to all the current health trends. From retail locations solely dedicated to juice cleansing, to spas built with inflammation fighting saunas. I grew up in Waco, Texas (also shoutout Fixer Upper fans) so needless to say there were not exactly juice shops or yoga studios at my disposal.
During my time taking a bite out of the Big Apple, I started to experiment with different dietary choices. There’s pescatarian, gluten-free, dairy-free, flexitarian, and flirtatarian even! Don’t get me wrong, I definitely was able to experiment with every hot bar and restaurant in town as well… yes, major party girl phase, sue me!). But, from there, the interest in living a cleaner life continued to expand as I have moved through my twenties.
Today, I’m not only concerned with what food I eat, but also what beauty products I let onto my skin. Also, what cleaning products I stock in my home and what hair treatments help me hide my “dishwater” blonde color. And even what shopping habits contribute to the over-polluted and over-processed world we all share space in.
To wrap it up (cue that music that kicks people off The Oscars’ stage)…
I hope you find this information enticing enough to come back and visit! Please know I’m not by any means saying this is the end all, be all way to live. It’s simply my outlet to share what has worked and been so rewarding for myself. It’s also to connect with others interested in the same content.
photo credit to my husband for documenting my wannabe model attempt(s)
Becca trippe says
Absolutely pumped to read more….giggled to mysElf more tHan a few times lol
Danielle.estes2 says
hahaha ahh yay good!! thank you so much for reading 🙂 Tell all your friends to follow too!! I promise I’ll make the healthy life as fun as possible 😉 can’t wait to have you in Dally!
Danielle.estes2 says
Hey there! Thank you so so much for reading! 🙂 Really appreciate it!!
koupondiva says
So amazing! thank you for sharing your story. i think you have a totally unique perspective and i look forward to reading more! xx