Ladies, this one is especially for you! Let me start out by hitting ya with a few fast facts because it’s Monday and I’m in hustle mode.
Women absorb up to 5 pounds of chemicals into their bodies every year solely from the makeup, skincare, and other beauty products that seep into their skin on a daily basis.
There are currently about 1,300 toxic ingredients banned in the EU from personal care and home products, with only an astounding 11 ingredients banned in the US.
Repeated low-dose exposure to these chemicals (like formaldehyde and phthalates to name a few…yuck) attributes to asthma, eczema, cancer, cognitive disorders, birth defects- and the laundry list goes on.
Not to scare you, I know it’s not Halloween we’re talking about this month (duh, Dani), but I hope this brief rant encourages you to take charge of your health and slather your own beautiful faces with CLEAN products! Sadly, the government is not trustworthy to read ingredient labels for us. Many large corporations want to profit by slapping a high end label on harmful CRAP.
The skin is the largest organ, taking in up to 60% of what we put on it, and just like the world is recognizing we need to consume clean, organic, whole foods into our bodies for our organs and bloodstream to function their best, we should strive to do the same with our personal care products!
Can I get a hellz yeah?
Trust me, I totally understand the power of makeup. It can help us feel like a chameleon and express our personalities. It’s similar to fashion. For example, pairing a smoky eye with a (vegan) leather jacket when you’re headed out and want to feel like a bad-a$$. Or maybe you’re trying to hide your happy hour hangover at work the next day with brightening up your dull, puffy face and attempting the Kim K highlighter/contouring trend (…guilty).
We shouldn’t have to compromise our health for the sake of the beauty industry. This Valentines Day, as corny as it may sound, give yourself and your skin some love with a nontoxic makeup look. A few of my trusted, tested, and go-to brands below. Have that Amazon Prime fired up or go tell your Alexa to get on this asap.
Cheers dolls (yeah I’m throwing a Kardashian reference in again & I’m not ashamed),
Xoxo, Dani
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