6.3.17. The date we said I do and Garrett, “the hubs," got suckered in to this vegan-blogger-wannabe-girl fo’ life. A whole year with the ol’ ball and chain. JK. Damn, TIME. HAS. FLOWN. We celebrated at my favorite Dallas organic spa. I'll share more about that but first, my reflections on this past . . .
Archives for June 2018
From the Lone Star State to Lala Land: Moving to Los Angeles, California
The Looses are on the move. As I sit down to write this post, I reflect on all that the past few years life in Dallas has provided. I moved here in the summer of 2014 as a 23 year old after a brief stint in NYC. After 4 years in this city, now married and as I enter my late twenties, I cannot feel . . .