In this post I wanted to share with you guys my absolute favorite way to unwind and destress- a detox bath. Stress management was a crucial part of my own self healing. Given my first hand experience with this simple yet powerful self care ritual, I love recommending clients add a detox bath to . . .
What To Expect After Your First Colonic
Okayyyyy today we’re chatting colon hydrotherapy, aka colonics. Scared yet? Don’t be. I’m here to dazzle you with an honest experience along with the ins and outs (pun intended) of why this age-old old wellness world therapy is something everyone can benefit from. Of course, please note I AM NOT A . . .
The Lazy Girl’s Detox: Castor Oil Packs
Castor oil packs- my new favorite detox ritual. Especially for the lazy girl in all of us at home right now drinking way too much wine every night. These are not uncomfortable at all and barely take any work. Just apply oil to the stomach and then sleep through the night (or binge watch another . . .
My Sakara Level II Detox Experience
Hello, gang. I’m sitting here writing this on Day 5 of the Sakara Level II Detox program. This is the final day, the home stretch, and I wanted to share with you guys my experience. This was the first time I’ve ever done an elimination type cleanse like this. This past month I was . . .
Coffee Enemas For At Home Detox
*PLEASE NOTE I AM NOT A MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL AND YOU SHOULD ALWAYS CONSULT FIRST WITH YOUR DOCTOR. THIS IS ONLY MY OWN PERSONAL EXPERIENCE. This post is a long time coming and it’s all about COFFEE ENEMAS. Yes, basically Starbucks up your butt. Sorry hahaha but figured I’d cut right to the chase . . .